Sommerangebot Bahntastisch
Landwasser Express

With the Tschutschubahn to the Landwasser Viaduct. 142 metres long, 65 metres high and supported by five masonry pillars - the Landwasser Viaduct. You have to take some time to let the masterpiece take effect on you in all its splendour. The viaduct square near Filisur is the perfect place for this. In summer, it can be reached easily from Filisur railway station in 30 minutes by the Tschutschubahn.
The Tschutschubahn ride for young and old.
Stops on request at these stops:
- Train station Filisur
- Gemeindehaus Filisur
- Schutz Filisur (Alpin Gartencenter)
- Camping Islas
- Biohof Las Sorts
- Parking Abzweigung Viadukt
- Landwasserviadukt
Opening hours
Dienstag - Samstag, 13.05. - 28.10.2023
Filisur Bahnhof ab: 11.15 Uhr/ 14.15 Uhr
Landwasserviadukt an: 11.45 Uhr/ 14.45 Uhr
Landwasserviadukt ab: 12.15 Uhr/ 15.15 Uhr
Filisur Bahnhof an: 12.45 Uhr/ 15.45 Uhr
Single ticket:
Adults: CHF 8.00
Child: CHF 4.00
Retour ticket:
Adults: CHF 15.00
Child: CHF 7.00
Opening hours Info-Kiosk
Thursday - Sunday 11.00 a.m. to 4.50 p.m.
Rhätische Bahn AG Railservice
Phone.: +41 (0)81 288 65 65