• The Tèct/Zinols children's ski area will be closed from 22 March 2025




Farm shops

Home-made products from the region

Hoflädali Biohof Las Sorts

Our farm shops sells free-range eggs, alpine cheeses and lots more alongside our Bergheu (mountain straw) specialities (salsiz, oil, vinegar, bröckli cheese, syrup). In the autumn we have more than thirty different varieties of mountain potatoes in all shapes and sizes and colours for sale, all of which are much prized by top chefs throughout Switzerland.

We do not produce our specialities cheaply, but organically, sustainably, and fairly!

We look forward to welcoming you very soon!


Biohof Las Sorts
S. und M. Heinrich
7477 Filisur

Tel. +41 (0)81 404 16 15


Our Grauvieh business is located right next to the RhB railway line. Our organic farm breeds Grauvieh cows with horns and their Grauvieh calves are raised on a diet of milk and hay, producing tender fine-grained veal. Our Grauvieh shop stocks everything your heart desires, from salsiz and Landjäger sausages to cuts of Grauvieh beef and delicious nut tortes!

On request we’re happy to put together a gift hamper of your choice, packed full of produce from all of the Bergün organic farm shops.

To find out more about us, simply call in and see us!


A. und M. Nicolay
Cradiala 9
7482 Bergün/Bravuogn

Tel. +41 (0)79 615 65 39

Bio Bergün

At our farm shop inside the red railway carriage you’ll find a huge selection of various salsiz, sausages, air-dried meat, preserves such as jams, chutneys and various syrups as well as seasonal yoghurts and fresh cream cheeses. Whether it’s spicy, wholesome or sweet, there’s something to appeal to every taste, so we’re certain you’ll find a tasty treat to take back home for yourself and others to enjoy. We look forward to welcoming you.


Bio Bergün
R. Schmidt & F. Amstad
Veja Alvra 70
7482 Bergün/Bravuogn

Tel. +41 (0)81 407 21 37

Hof Plaschair

In our small but fine farm shop you will find all our products that we produce on our farm, such as: eggs, Natura beef, salsiz, dried meat, pesto and organic cakes!

We are happy that we can extend our offer with products such as cheese, goat cheese, milk, butter, yogurt, potatoes, organic tea and organic cider, etc. from other organic farmers in the village and the region, as well as products from the Bergüner Alp (which are only available over the summer)!


Hof Plaschair
A. & U. Heinrich
Veja Alvra 64
7482 Bergün/Bravuogn

Tel. +41 (0)81 404 10 94
Mobile:  +41 (0)79 458 83 03


Hof Gregori

On our farm, we are already the third generation to practise natural milk and meat farming. Our organic-certified farm covers 46 hectares of agricultural land, on which we keep an average of 30 milk cows, 20 young cattle and 15 fattening animals, thus laying the foundation for our tasty products.


Hof Gregori
D. und S. Gregori
Veja Alvra 78
7482 Bergün/Bravuogn

Tel. +41 (0)81 250 56 70

Marendareia - Hof Truez Stuls

In der Marendareia erhält man Getränke, Salsiz, Käse, Backwaren und Mitbringsel zum Mitnehmen oder zum Tinken und Essen direkt vor Ort. Es ist Selbstbedienung. Bezahlen kann man bar oder per Twint.

Charmantes Selbstbedienungs-Café mit Kaffee, Sirup.

Marandereia Hof Truez Stuls 
Veja da Stuls 40
7482 Stuls/Stugls

Tel. +41 (0)79 58 33 100

Lädeli Stuls

Im Dorfzentrum Stuls betreiben die Einheimischen ein Hoflädeli. Das Lädeli in Stuls ist immer offen. Bezahlen kannst Du Bar oder per Twint.

Hier findest Du CDs der Musikgruppe „Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin“, Mitbringsel aus Stuls wie Stoffhühner, Postkarten oder Holzschneidebrättli und je nach Saison verschiedene Produkte vom Biohof Stuls: Kalb-, Jungrind- und Rindfleisch von behorntem Grauvieh, Milch, Eier, Lammfleisch und -felle von Bündner Oberländer Schafen, Alpkäse, -joghurts und -butter.

Hoflädeli Stuls 
Veja da Stuls 29
7482 Stuls/Stugls

Tel. +41 (0)78 901 69 60