History is written here. The Bergün and Filisur libraries are also open to guests. The Bergün library has been located in the premises of the local museum in Bergün since 1986. The Filisur library is in the middle of the village in the picturesque Chesa Jenatsch.
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Herzlich willkommen in der Après-Schlittelwelt Bergün. Geniesse in gemütlicher Atmosphäre einen wärmenden Punsch, ein Bier oder einen herzhaften Imbiss.
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The model railway workshop shows detailed buildings, viaducts and tunnels of the Rhaetian Railway as they were in the 1950s and 1960s in 0m gauge. It is designed as a workshop. The aim of this model railway workshop is to give visitors an insight into the construction of such a railway.
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